Voice part: Alto
Hometown: Gladwyne, PA
"Graduate" of: Roaring 20, Princeton University
Following rehearsal one day, The Graduates idly discussed stories of current jobs and past careers. During the conversation, Katherine Ortmeyer idly revealed she was formerly a caretaker at the government facility of artifacts and sacred relics in Washington D.C. - most popularly depicted in the conclusion of "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." While still bound by a non-disclosure agreement, she confirmed that the Ark of the Covenant is indeed overseen by the United States government. She shared an anecdote that new employees at the facility are hazed by being tricked into opening a decoy "Ark," while the other caretakers stand behind the new hire and don melted-face masks and scream. Following a tragic incident where the true Ark of the Covenant was mistakenly used instead of a decoy, the remaining staff (without melted faces) was dismissed, including Katherine, which (long story short) led her to join The Graduates.